Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where to begin?

Bloody Hell....where do I start with all of this! I guess the first thing to do is to convince myself that it is actually going to occur. That part is slowly working itself out. Second thing to do is what any normal person with 9 days to move to another country would the Lonely Planet Guide! Have to admit it left me feeling a little better about the country than the report from husbands work which I shall refer to as "The Doomsday Report". In fact, I won't refer to it at all as I prefer to store it away in the dark recesses of my mind where all the bad stuff I don't want to know about goes. Thirdly I do what any good Capricorn will do, start writing those lists! I love lists. I love the satisfaction I feel when I get to cross something off with a big black texta. They keep me feeling organised and in control. Luckily, N is a Capricorn too so he is as big a list writer as me. So we have started to put pen to paper and scribble away. Been to the shopping centre and bought 3 months worth of vitamins and booked in at the travel doctor for Monday. I get the feeling I will be a travelling pharmacy. Now, back to writing that list.....

1 comment:

  1. OK - you're officially on my cup-of-tea-cruising blogroll! Loving it. Mwah! x
