Friday, December 18, 2009

Missionary of Charity

This morning I did what I have meant to do since the moment I got here. After numerous enquiries I finally found an organization that I am satisfied is not shonky, and donated some time. You have to be quite careful here as quite often all is not what it appears on the outside. People have been known to set up fake orphanages to fleece money or they may even be real orphanages but without the children’s best interests at heart. So after many enquiries I have found the Missionary of Charity. It is run by the same order of nuns that Mother Theresa was in, beautiful blue and white robes and smiling faces and all! How could you not believe that they have the best interests of the children at heart!!!
So this morning, with some trepidation, Mr Phea drove me toward the site. As we rounded the corner I thought that there had been an accident as there were people everywhere. Then Mr Phea pulls up and says “here it is”. Um…oh shit, what have I gotten myself in to? So I pushed through the crowd to the front gate and just walked in like I was supposed to be there. There was a lot of hustle and bustle going on so I grabbed the first Anglo face I saw and asked who I could see about volunteering some time each week. “um, can you start now?” Well yes I can and so I did! Turns out it was the second day of giving Christmas Hampers to the regular families that make use of the mission. There were about 10 nuns and 4 of us volunteers putting together these hampers as fast as the nuns could hand them out. They consisted of a big plastic bucket that was filled with rice. On top of that we put a few lollies, a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, cooking oil, soy sauce and fish sauce. The bucket was then handed to the nun at the door who gave it to each recipient as they handed over some sort of ticket. To the hamper a small bag of clothes and a small blue tarpaulin was added as they left. It was so calm and organised. I was very impressed. Apparently they gave out 300 on Wednesday and we did another 300 today. It felt really good to be doing something physically to help out. The nuns told me it is not a normal day so I guess it was my good fortune to turn up at the right time.
So we finished up and I was invited upstairs to meet the kids. The Orphanage looks after 90 children aged between 1 and 5. The majority are boys and the few girls that they do have, have physical or intellectual disabilities. They are not all orphans; some are just placed there temporarily as their families cannot support them. It was lunchtime so I went up to give them a hand. It was very clean and happy which was a relief. First thing that happened was two big brown eyes stared at me and to arms reached out. Now I don’t speak the language but I am pretty sure that is the international sign for “pick me up”. So I did, and he was beautiful! I have found “the lover”. I cannot remember this boys name but he just loves a cuddle apparently. Who can resist. So he sat on my lap for the next half an hour while I fed him his chicken and rice. The other child that really touched me was a girl of about 5 with no hand or feet. Apparently she gets around no problem at all and she astounded me when her lunch came by manoeuvring the spoon and wolfing it down like a pro. No assistance required there!
So that was my morning. I hope to get back soon but the kids are off school for one week so don’t know if I will get the chance next week. Will definitely make it a regular when they start Winter School.

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