Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'm a Madam!

Well.......I know it sounds dramatic but its not what you think! It is what my housekeeper calls me! I had my first full day today with Sok Chen. She is our house keeper, come cook come....well....most things really! She works from about 0800 to 1700 Monday to Friday all for $130 a month. Now as nice as this sounds, I am still a bit uncomfortable that she does so much for so little. There is the "treat em mean and keep em lean" philosophy that is rife with the expats here I fear, or the "I'm only here for 10 weeks philosophy" where I make her a bit more of a friend and try to learn as much from her as I can about her county. Although I sway to the latter, she has just started and the people who follow us for 3 years in the position will inherit her and I assume will not be pleased with having me spoilt her. As much as I love being called Madam, it still feels weird! I think I will have to toe the line and find a happy medium (and a few more colloquialisms!) Of course it is very nice to have someone to clean, cook, wash, iron etc but it is not all that easy. Now don't get me wrong, all of the help is appreciated but by the time I had showed her how to use the rice cooker, the washing machine, the iron and explained that she did not have to put my undies on a coat-hanger.....I was getting the feeling that it was not going to be a cruisy as I thought it might be. I have just read that back and realise I sound quite ungrateful. I really do appreciate the help, it has just been a learning curve for both of us. And she does a mean fried rice!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't even talk to me about ayis. Yes, treat her mean. Sorry. And yes, I am a great humanitarian but I have been BURNED!
