Friday, January 1, 2010

Sunrise over Angkor Wat

Us chicks decided to give ourselves a treat and fly to Siem Reap for a whirlwind overnight stay. The girls certainly had the right idea in saying that you cannot come to Cambodia and not see Angkor Wat. In a nutshell, Angkor Wat is the worlds largest religious building. It was probably built as a funerary temple around 1112-52 to honour Vishnu, the Hindu deity. We decided that a sunrise viewing would be the most spectacular so we set the alarm for a very unsocial hour of 0430. As we drove along in our Tuk Tuk in the dark I had no real idea of what to expect. There was a real sense of excitement and anticipation in the air as us and our fellow travellers made our way to the temple. I had only ever seen a few photos so could not wait for the sun to begin to rise. We stumbled along in the pitch dark to the inner causeway. It was surrounded on both sides by a moat and lets just say Public Liability is not what it is in Australia. No fence or rail and I'm sure more than a few tourists have taken an early morning dip unexpectedly in the pitch black conditions! We settled in to a spot that our guide said was a good one and waited. I loved having no expectations. It was like a film developing before my eyes. bit by bit, ray by ray, Angkor Wat unfolded before us. It was an amazing morning and well worth the early morning wakeup call!

1 comment:

  1. PS: can I just say you are looking GORGEOUS, Dan. Cambodia seems to agree with you... xx
